Thursday, July 16, 2009

Yoo Rok's Room and Some News!

I just got off the phone with our agency. Yoo Rok has made it through the government. He is now officially able to leave the country. The last step is to get him his visa and passport. She had told me to expect about four weeks to get through this process, so it was a great surprise to have him get through in two weeks. I then expected her to say he would be headed home in two to four weeks, but she said plan on the end of August. I'm hoping they'll be quicker and he'll be here in the beginning or middle of August, but as we know, it could take longer. We still don't know if he'll be escorted or if we'll travel. I'm a little nervous that I'll have to go by myself. We have finally gotten his room done! It still needs some pictures of our little guy, but those will have to wait. It could also use a few diapers...Anyways, here it is so far:

I am planning on spending a 'few' nights here so I thought some new sheets would be fun. The sheets I had for the bed were almost fifteen years old! It was time! I love me a garage sale...I got this cute chenille bedspread for $5!

Gramma got these cute tie backs for the room.

I found this cute picture at a little boutique that I love going to.

All we need is a baby boy!!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog!! Now I can follow your journey too - wow, you are so close to have your son home!!! Is your agency Dillon Southwest? I noticed your sidebar saying you came to AZ to meet the agency, and I know they do a lot of Korean adoptions. We used them for our home study since our placing agency doesn't have a branch here. Looking forward to seeing your new little boy in pics soon!