Monday, July 20, 2009

New Neighbors!

We have new neighbors. They moved in a few houses down several weeks ago. We have known the husband for many years from church. Tonight they knocked on our door with a plate of homemade cookies (three kinds!) for US! Okay, someone got the short end of the stick, and it's not us! I'm super happy to know that I have a new neighbor that bakes (lemon bars!!) but man does that put a dent in my merry homemaker image. Fortunately, I did take them some of our delicious plums after they moved in, but I haven't baked.

Watch out now that I have figured out how to put YouTube on my blog! My brother loves finding bizarre videos and showing me. I didn't come upon any bizarre ones today, but I found one that would be the end of me:

As a short and fairly claustrophobic person, I can't imagine how much I would hate being in this pool!

Ryan is still working on the idea of Jesus being in our hearts. While we were driving he asks, "Jesus is so big, how can he fit in my heart?" Hmmmmmmmm!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is too many people!