Friday, July 31, 2009

Tree Guys and a Pair of Pantyhose

The tree guys were back today. Ryan decided to go to the museum with his friends after VBS, but was thrilled that they were still here when he got home. As soon as he got out of the car, he went and got his work gloves and helped pick up leaves and sticks. The guys got a kick out of him.

A whole new spot to plant!

Ryan loved bringing the workers cookies, and the workers loved Ryan bringing them. One of the guys dropped one, and the other picked it up out of a pile of sawdust, claimed the 10-second rule, and ate it.

Tonight was family night for vacation Bible school.
The kids sang songs and we got to see their room and some of the things they did during the week. It was just a great time for Ryan. Yesterday he came home and said, "I'm sad." I asked why and he said, "because I want to keep on going to VBS." Seeing as I had to coax him into going, it was fun to see how much he enjoyed it. Truly, the highlight tonight had to be the lady next to me. I had to do a double take...she was in her 70's and had the smoothest legs ever. And then, much to my delight, I realized she was wearing a nice tan shade of panty hose with her shorts and sneakers! Way to go!

The Boomerang Express!

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