Monday, July 27, 2009


Today was Ryan's first day at VBS. He was really pushing to stay home, but I talked him into it, and as expected, he had a great time. It helped a lot that two of his friends were in his class. Once he saw them and got to line up with them he was fine. As I talked with my friend outside of the auditorium the kids began singing. It was so great! I have a special place in my heart for VBS because I became a Christian (you guessed it, over 30 years ago) at VBS. Our group leaders were Chip and Dale and we were the 'nuts'. We loved it. (just Google Chip and Dale if you weren't around yet in the 70's).

We got more paperwork in the mail today. I think (hope) it's the last paper we need to get notarized. (I'm worried about our notary's wrist). We are just days away from August! Wow!! Ryan and I are sleepers, Harvey is not. Even when he didn't have a weird work schedule he was an early riser. Every morning I wake up and wonder if this kiddo is going to take after his momma or daddy. I think I'd better sleep in the next few weeks just in case he takes after Harvey!

I wish this was from my yard, but I took the picture at our friends' house. Some day I hope to take down our lovey chain link fence (which I just learned has been illegal for the last 40 years) and plant hydrangeas all along our side yard.

I walked in to check on Ryan before I went to bed and found him sound asleep like this. It's blurry because I didn't want to turn the big light on. Now that' pooped!

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