Thursday, July 23, 2009

Meeting with Agency

We talked with our agency today. I am so happy to be working with them. So apparently there are several more things that need to happen before Yoo Rok is ready for travel. He needs a visa and that takes a little time and some papers need to go to the American Embassy, they have to be confirmed...So he isn't just waiting for no reason, he still needs a little more legal stuff to go through. That was a big question for me. We talked a lot about going to the airport, about Ryan (should he go if we go to Korea, should he fly if Yoo Rok arrives in L.A., a gift for Ryan from the baby...). She had covered some of this on our trip to Arizona but it was good to go over. She talked to us about bringing him home. She suggests that no one come home with us from the airport or for a couple of days. We talked about his response to us. She thinks Ryan is going to be very helpful in helping the baby settle in. The thing I think of most is being his mommy, but not being able to comfort him. I know it will happen at some point, but I already ache for the trauma that is ahead for him. I know all of the things people say to this: it's for his good, it will all work out, kid's are resilient...but true or not, he's going to mourn and we'll mourn with him. We're looking forward to all of the laughs and 'firsts' as well. We are so excited for so many friends and family, who have prayed for us for many years to have another child and for Yoo Rok and this journey, to meet him. Thanks for all of your support and please pray for Yoo Rok, his travels, and transition into our family.

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