Saturday, July 11, 2009

Got Elephants!

We had a great day at the amusement park. Ryan was still wound up the whole way home. He sang, "Peas like a river" most of the way. I wonder what he thinks when he sings about peas that are like a river...but they are in his soul! I wonder if he'll make the connection that Jesus can be in our hearts and peas in our souls? He fell asleep in about a minute and a half once he got in bed.

He got to feed the elephant at the end of the show. I wasn't sure how he was going to feel about it once the giant animal got close, but he loved it. Wouldn't go near Bugs Bunny, but put his hand right up to an elephant's trunk!?! Ryan has Character Phobia. He is afraid of all characters. He started to panic when we started to walk by Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny who were getting their photos taken. He clung to Harvey as we walked past. Then he cried, "They're following us, they're following us." I assured him they weren't. "They're following us!!!" I glanced back, and sure enough they were following us. Fortunately, they took a turn at the walruses.

Got a banana!

Here's the wait in question.

Ta da! So very proud! (Mama too!)

I wish I had sound for this ride. These two laughed and screamed the entire ride. Every parent needs to make sure they have their child's laughter recorded!

The highlight of the day.
(An expensive and short highlight, but a highlight nonetheless).

Will it last?

I am pretty sure that I'll fall asleep as fast as Ryan tonight! Until tomorrow...

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