Monday, July 6, 2009

He Made It!

Our agency called today to let us know that Yoo Rock's papers have finally made it to the government. We should expect at least a month for that to go through and then another few weeks for visa papers. We may just beat his birthday. He's looking pretty stable! He'll turn 10 months on the 10th.


The reason our vehicles are always so loaded is that we like to eat well when we are in the woods. We had four coolers this time, not to mention bags and bags of goodies.

Harvey's delicious orange french toast

Hard to appreciate them with this little photo, but they were so amazing. The kids loved going inside the hollowed out ones.

How sweet is this!

Our patriotic dessert.
Ryan sang "Happy Birthday to America" for us.

Ryan wore his helmet for most of the trip. Any photos without it were forced by his mother. After the photos it went right back on. It also slept in the tent.

Of course Hanna camps!

This spot was right next to our camp. The colors were beautiful. We had such a great time with our family and friends. I know that these will always be special memories for us all.


Anonymous said...

Excellent news about my other nephew. What cute photos from your camping trip....gourmet camping is the ONLY way to go!
Love and miss you! Tessie

Michael Takahara said...

Great news about Yoo Rock! Camping is great but as we get older a tent trailer is more appropriate for our backs. Peace, Michael