Friday, July 24, 2009

A Day with 'Bob'

A few months ago I was thinking of places that would be fun to take Ryan to. I remembered a wildlife museum that I had gone to ummmm, maybe 30 years ago. ( I can't believe I'm recalling 3o year old memories...and I wasn't an infant!). I looked online and sure enough they're still there. What I really remember was that there was a playground right next to the museum and our whole class got to have lunch and play there. It's a small museum but really great for little ones and of course there's the playground (updated in the last 30 years too!). It made for a great field trip.

The owls were my favorite. There were several of them and they were just beautiful. Sorry to blow your childhood image, but did you know they aren't all that 'wise'. I just read that they're not the smartest bird in the nest.

AKA: 'Only a face a mother could love'. I felt bad about thinking this once I read the sign saying he was blind, then I felt kinda bad for him. He on the other hand, didn't seem to care one way or the other and seemed to be living the life in his little box of paper strips.

"To each his own phobia" but I still think this is scarier than Bugs Bunny! The polar bear next to him had huge scary teeth and looked like he was about to maul someone. As you can see, Ryan loved them.

This did not come from his mother.

This was a bobcat eating demonstration. They dangled deer meat from a string and we watched him get it. They also hid meat in newspaper around his cage so he could 'hunt' for it. His name is 'Bob'. So once we got home, Ryan turned into 'Bob'. We spent about two hours with me pulling up his cage door so he could roll around the floor and sniff out towels that he put seaweed crackers in. It's too early to see if Shamu is out and Bob is in, but Shamu could be in trouble.


Tonight we are having a few friends who can handle a late bedtime to watch movies outside. It's a big night of Clifford and Peep. I'm off to pop the corn!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The movie night is a great idea. How about getting a long dowel, clothes pole or just a piece of wood, stapling the sheet to it and rolling it up to save for next time? Harv could fashion some small wood dohingies to the side of the house so it would be easy to hang whenever you needed it. Next time we're down there I want a movie and smores!!!!The Faker