Sunday, July 12, 2009

Reading, Writing, and All That Other Stuff...

So I've been thinking a lot about Ryan's education. From the moment I announced I was pregnant with him people began asking if I would homeschool him. As an elementary school teacher I felt it was something I could do and would enjoy (most of the time anyway), but I always answered I didn't think so. I wanted him to have relationships outside of church and was looking forward to some of those myself. As he gets closer to kindergarten I get more unsure. I love being with Ryan and don't want to send him to school from 8:30-2:30 when he is only five, but more than that, our schools have changed. It isn't the same discussion as it was even a couple of years ago. I went to a women's night this last weekend where a woman who helped start two Christian schools shared on different education choices. It isn't just public vs. private or homeschooling. There are combos of those and so many different curriculums and methods. I'm one of those people who do best with an In and Out menu, #1, #2, or #3 (I don't eat that much and love cheese so basically there's only one choice). But we're looking at a TGIF menu now! Ryan's going to preschool two mornings a week this coming year. It's a very small, Christian school. I know he's going to love it and he'll love his teacher. I have a lot of homework ahead of me and some time on my knees. Some of you are having the same thoughts and questions. We'll need to talk! I have a feeling we're going to have some kind of combo thing going on...won't it be fun to find out?!!

Ryan's gem of the day: After yet another timeout...he asks, "Why don't I have any self-control?"

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