Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's Official

I had a mother of two moment that made it all feel official. Since Ryan's school starts at 9:00, I decided that I'd better leave at 8:30 to make sure we were a little early (photo shoot). I got the boys' clothes ready the night before, had Ryan's backpack by the door, nixed the needed shower, and shocked myself by heading out the door, both kids dressed, all the appropriate bags, cameras etc. at 8:30! We loaded into the car, Ryan belted himself in, and I set Erik in his carseat...and then my nose the bad way. Yep, poop! Everyone out, back in the house, change the poopy diaper with my newly broken finger method. We made it in time to take pictures and I got my initiation. Tomorrow is our first meeting with our social worker. More's Erik's first birthday!! He has had quite a first year. We are so happy that we can spend this special day with him at home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The FGM is feeling pretty 'stinky' herself as she realizes she has not remembered that tomorrow is Erik's birthday. But fortunately he won't know the difference unless someone rats on me!!