Sunday, September 20, 2009

Let the Parties Continue!

We had our home fellowships all get together last night. Our group has grown and multiplied into three groups and we try to get the groups together every so often for fun and well...fellowship! It was a great opportunity to keep the partying up.

Little boy, big stick.

This is something he could get used to (not really sure why I put a candle in the cupcake again. You can't put a lit candle in front of a one year old! And the first thing he did was try to eat the candle).

The grown-ups had tiramisu cake to celebrate!
Our friend did a slideshow to share his medical mission to China. What an amazing time he had. It is so exciting to see what God is doing around the world. It was such a remote area and this team was such a blessing to so many who had no access to medical care. When I was in Bulgaria with YWAM I saw God's heart for the broken and hurting in a way I'll never forget. We were a team of twenty-somethings from all over the world. We worked with a pastor who had led an underground church for many years until the country finally opened up. One day he told us he had a special place he wanted to take us. We drove out of town and up a steep hill. Eventually our large bus could no longer get through the narrowing winding road and pulled over so we could walk the rest of the way up. At the top was a hospital. It was filled with all levels of needs and disabilities from rather minor to severe. Many there would have been able to live a much more independent life in America but had been sent off to this isolated place at young ages. We had an incredible time of laughing, singing, and sharing. Many of us had the opportunity to share how God loved them and how he had worked in our lives. As I stood looking out at the beautiful countryside and this group of hurting people shut out from their society, I thought this was God at work: taking a bunch of kids from all over the world to share his love with these wonderful people. Their society may have forgotten them, but God hadn't.


Anonymous said...

Did my favorite fake DIL make that fabulous cake? Not fair to post pictures with no explanation!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK - did you save me a piece or are you gonna call me while eating it???? LOL. Tessie