Monday, September 7, 2009


We had a fun day at the zoo! Unfortunately, it ended with my fingers slammed in the door. After about 15 seconds they opened it and I got them back. So we went to the urgent care and despite Harvey's diagnosis, "it's not even going to bruise" my finger is broken. It is feeling pretty good right now, but this is all the typing for today. Tomorrow I'll put up zoo pictures. I did get some airport ones, so I'll work on those. Tomorrow is Ryan's first day of preschool. Fortunately, my photo finger was spared!!

Of course the camera came to the hospital!
I was hoping for a more dramatic photo (not more dramatic pain though).


Anonymous said...

What about the xray with the arrow right over your middle finger!!! Crop and zoom - maybe the fragmented area would show up then!
Glad I could help with the blog!
It was FUN hanging out at the zoo - thanks for the memories - including the photo op at the hospital!
Hugs - Tessie

Anonymous said...

Jane, this is your little brother having a first of his own. Look at me blogging... and no hands! J-Bob

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