Friday, September 11, 2009

A Haircut and Santa

It's pretty clear that Erik is going to have more hair than the rest of us combined. The earliest pictures of him had loads of locks. I didn't want to cut it right away, but the time finally came today (otherwise I was going to start snipping away, and you know what happened to my first baby don't? well short story, she's bald). So here's his last baby hairdo photo:

He loved the tractor and didn't mind the buzzing or snipping one bit!

Ta da!
So Ryan has been rather needy the last few days, okay let's say week. We had a good talk with the social worker and she gave us some good advice and then slapped us with, "it (this behavior) should peak in three months". What? I thought this was the peak! We took Erik to get his one year shots today. Like the last two appointments, it took an hour and 40 min. to get called in for his four shots! And then it took the nurse about the same amount of time to give them. Being unable to control my thoughts as usual, I said after the first one, "Wow, that was a long shot!" which was followed by three more equally slow shots. (Yes, we are changing doctors at the first of the month.) So who's crying on the way home? Ryan. Why? Not exactly sure. So I did what every flustered mother shouldn't do, I whipped Santa out of my bag of tricks. Yep, it's September and I'm already bringing up Santa's list. And to prove to my four year old that yes, he would find out, I sang "Santa Claus is coming to town." Am I proud of my parenting skills? I don't know yet because the rest of the ride home was delightful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! Every time I see Your photos the boys get cuter. Happy Birthday to Erik. We can't wait to celebrate your birthday with you. Ryan, You really look grown-up in your school pictures.
G&G Hackel