Thursday, September 24, 2009

Getting Ready

Erik is back in the saddle again. Unfortunately, we are two steps back in crib time. He was not interested in staying in his crib while he was sick. He went down at 7:30 tonight and is still in the crib...hopefully he'll stretch it out tonight. We've been busy getting ready for Erik's dol (1st birthday party). We'll have family and some adoption friends join us. It's been fun putting it together (though I don't know that all the errands today is Erik's idea of fun). I'll share photos of the party afterwards. We're going with a multi-cultural lunch...Chinese, Korean, and Italian (I had to pick one because a Chinese, Korean, Austrian, Italian, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, English lunch starts to be a little overwhelming! And anyways, what do the Welsh eat? Grandma Jones would be so disappointed. Would anyone ever come back if I served haggis?). I'll make sure we have fish 'n chips another day! Wait until you see the tower! I went with the big one!! Tomorrow is cleaning day and last minute errands. Then it is on to the garage sale! I postponed it because, well, we've been busy. I do not want all the stuff we set aside to stay in the garage all winter. If you are local and have things you think have a chance at selling, let me know. I'll use all of the money for shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How late will you stay up tonight?
Glad the tower is done and which Rite Aid did Harvey find the giant gum drops?
Fun hanging with y'all today and got to see both of my nephews - though time with Ryan was WAY too short!
See ya in the AM - Tessie