Monday, August 10, 2009


Our agency just called to update us on whether or not Yoo Rok is coming on the 12th, 21st, or here's yet another one, the 24th. So her answer is..."I don't know." The good news is that he has a ticket for the 12th, BUT is on standby. As the daughter of a commercial airline pilot, I know standby; I have made it gloriously through to my destination and I have watched the doors close from the wrong side of the plane many times. On our way home from Paris, to get back for Christmas, our whole family was bumped after sitting on the tarmac for what seemed like hours, by two people. It all worked out of course. After an expensive night in a Paris hotel, we finally made it home to decorate our ficus. (I know, no one feels sorry for anyone getting stuck in Paris, especially when they spent the week skiing in the alps), but it's the best story I have right now, and the fact that I am able to write something remotely nice after a really nasty case of 'grumpy' this weekend, enjoy it! Otherwise, you have to read about me getting stuck for Thanksgiving by myself in the dorm eating a can of raviolis and dying my hair black. If he is coming on Wednesday, she'll call us around midnight to tell us. If he isn't coming, I told her to wait to call in the morning and we'll start making the next decisions....(So don't call us at midnight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK - I was REALLY curious what happened - so logged on to see if there was an update and THERE IT WAS! Tried calling your home and cell - did not get you at either. So, I promise NOT to call you at midnight if you promise to NOT eat a can of ravioli's (I ate those too years agot) and to NOT dye your hair black!!!
Talk to you later.....was sad to not be able to tell you this over the phone.....would have been funnier!
AND - Give thanks in all things...Rejoice in the Lord always........
Hugs and loves, Tessie