Saturday, August 15, 2009

Scary Crocodiles and a Best Friend

Ryan loved Vacation Bible School so much a few weeks ago that I decided to send him to another one at our friends' church. They went all out with the set and the kids had a great time. Ryan had a great leader and came home full of stories. Every day as we got in the car he would ask when he could go again. I'd tell him we would come back the next day and he would say, "No, I mean after this time (week) when can I go again." So I was really surprised when he didn't want to go on Friday. He was super clingy to me and kept asking to stay home. I kept asking why he didn't want to go and he finally told me there was a crocodile. As he opened up a little more he explained there was a video with a crocodile. Since he is totally into those horrible nature shows that Harvey lets him watch, you know, the ones where they eat each other...I was surprised that he was scared of a crocodile. I knew it wasn't going to be a crocodile devouring a cute lion cub, like Harvey would enjoy. I just didn't get it. I eventually peeled him off my leg and sent him off. As he walked down the aisle he looked back, as if to say, "how could you send me off to the crocodiles? What kind of mother are you?" The guilt subsided as soon as I got to the car and realized I had four free hours! When we went to pick him up he was all smiles and completely scar free, all limbs attached! It wasn't until we were driving home from the family night performance that he filled in the missing piece. How did I not know this?! He brought up the video wasn't a real croc, it was a crocodile character! Of course!! When I mentioned to him that Barney is a man dressed in a costume too, his big brown eyes looked at me in sheer disbelief. Much to my sadness, he's watching Barney as I write this. As I've said before, 'to each his own phobia'!! Looks like Barney is still in, and Disneyland is still out?!

They put together quite a set!
You know when you watch America's Funniest Home Video as a parent of a young child, you always wonder which kid you are going to have. You know, the one who never looks up, the one who sings above the crowd and cracks everyone up, the one who is going to bring home the $25,000...I don't think we're going to make any money, but he is definitely a 'front and center' kind of guy! He loves to perform!

We've been talking about a train ride since Christmas so today was finally the day! We rode up to a cute little town about 45 minutes from us and had lunch.

Ryan has always called these "ding dings"


"My best friend"

I'm sure it's against every train rule, but I think he sat for about a minute and a half...up and down the aisle, swinging, changing seats, visiting passengers...

Bye Friend!!

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