Monday, August 17, 2009

Latest Update

I talked to our agency today. There is an escort that would like to travel on Friday or the following Monday. She'll call Korea late tomorrow night and we'll know on Wednesday if he is coming on Friday. More waiting...I'm off to write a little in Yoo Rok's baby book. I'm a selective perfectionist, as noted by my housekeeping. I want his book to be just right, so I don't get to it. Here I go...

10:00 update: Can't find the right pen! Don't worry, I still have enough trama left over from my nearly empty 'second child' baby book to ensure that he'll have a fun and complete book, you know, at some point. I had another dream last night. I walked into the kitchen and there was Yoo Rok having a delicious Chinese meal made by his Chinese grandma who had miraculously arrived in the middle of the night from Taiwan to make it for him. Apparently my SIL, also from Taiwan, had brought him over for us without telling us. SURPRISE! Super convenient, but yet again I have missed him at the airport and don't have any photos! What is my 'aiport' fear? The lack of photos is also a little weird because my camera is basically attached to my body lately. I'll be shocked if I don't have a few more good ones in the nights to come. I'm off again, to bed this time. I know exactly where that is!


Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with your family! We hope for more good news soon! Peace, Mike Takahara

Anonymous said...

Offer still holds for babysitting so you two can have a date night before before my new nephew comes!

Keep us posted as I will be talking to my boss about the possibility of needing a day off. Will he arrive in the morning?

Lots of prayers....Love, Tessie