Friday, October 16, 2009

Sooooooooo, didn't quite make it through the night. I pretty much knew putting anything in writing would end that streak. He was up four times by midnight. I finally got him down around 12:20 which lasted until 4. I just held him for a few minutes and he went back until 7:30. At least we are totally in the crib now.

Ryan can't wait for the 'party' tomorrow. While he was working on the sign he looked over to Harvey and said, "Hey, you forgot to take me to get a Slurpee". Harv said they could go after the garage sale and that he could use any money he made from his lemonade stand. To which he replied, "Or I can put it in my bank". We've got a saver!
So I'm typing one handed again. My broken finger is feeling good, so now I went ahead and burned my other hand while frying fish in hot oil. Let me just say that a broken finger was waaaay less painful than this burn.
Sale is tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OUCH!!!!! Reinforcements arrive at 7am......Tessie