Monday, October 26, 2009


So I took a couple nights off blogging because Harvey went to bed early and then went to blog last night and our DSL was down! Sorry Grandmas! : )

Nothing makes you feel 'middle age' quite like your first mammogram. I had been putting it off but my friend and doctor said it was time! I made my friend take me and then made her take my picture in case things didn't bounce back like they're supposed to! Apparently this hospital has the new machines and I was totally shocked at how 'not a big deal' it was. I was in and out in a jiffy! (And everyone is back where they are supposed to be!).

Okay, this was totally on his own initiative!
He is such a great helper.

First time in the boots. You can't walk in the front yard without shoes, or boots of course, because of all of the acorns and oak leaves.
This boy loves acorns!

We spent a long time vacuuming today. Guess what the weatherman just told us for tomorrow: "Windy"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good girl!!! Let me know the results. Cute photos!!