Thursday, October 22, 2009

Got Cocoa!

8 Weeks!
Can you believe it has been eight weeks since we brought Erik home?! We are feeling very settled in and the adjustment has gone so well. To celebrate, Erik played a little entertaining music on the rice steamer. I should have known that getting into the pots and pans this early in the day was going to lead to real trouble.

Next stop: Tupperware!
This is Erik's cabinet. He can go for it here.

Ryan came home from school and headed straight for the Legos, which he hasn't done for maybe a year. After he played for a long time I decided to get out the 'big boy' Legos. He got a policeman and a helicopter for his birthday but wasn't super interested until today. I think we may have a lot of Lego time ahead.

It was time for a little help from daddy.
This is so up Harv's alley!

So back to Mr. Nosey! Apparently (ha,ha) while I was cooking, he found the box of cocoa (not in the Tupperware cabinet).

Not a good day for carpet in the kitchen!
( I's never a good day for carpet in the kitchen, but don't get me started on the granite floors again!).
Deep Thoughts of Ryan:
So Ryan tells me, "Did you know God made cows?" "Yes," I said. Then he asks, "Did God make himself?" "No, God has always been," I said. "Well, how did it all start?" Hmmmm...
It seems that our family version of 'sleeping through the night' has finally come about. That would be Harvey getting up at 2:30 am to go to work and me getting up once with Erik, for a few minutes, and taking Ryan to the bathroom. Now on my own, which I do occasionally dream of, I would sleep from about 10-9am without stirring. But they are all worth a little lost sleep!


Anonymous said...

GOT MILK??????? go with that Cocoa. Great photos - and I love the fact that my nephew Ryan gets it when it comes to cows!!! He does indeed ask some challenging questions.....we have a young theologian on our hands!
Hugs - Tessie

Anonymous said...

A good post on Got Kimchi?
I did come across a website It’s has all information on first aid emergencies. It has information on Human emergencies and even for pets like cat or dog. Hope it help you guys too.

Signature: Online First Aid Kit