Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's in the Newsletter!

I was an elementary school teacher for seven years. That would mean I sent about 10,000 newsletters, fliers, and notes home (on an almost daily basis) to keep parents informed of upcoming events, like say, school pictures. So tonight I decide to sort through a pile of Ryan's papers sitting on the kitchen counter and WHAT?!!! Picture day, Ryan's very first school picture day was today?! I didn't even hand slick his calic! Wrong shirt, did he brush his teeth? I'm one of 'those parents'! You know, the ones the teachers talk about...that don't know what is going on. How can it be? I made fun of those parents, they irritated me! Who doesn't read their kids newsletters and remember their first picture day? ME!


Anonymous said...

It'll probably be the best picture FGma!!

Anonymous said...

It'll be special! You have had alot going on lately....second child and all!!!!! It will all be OK!!! I agree - probably the best of 'em all! Hugs - Tessie
PS - aunties want a copy!