Thursday, October 29, 2009

So this is how we started the day: Erik's head spinning!

Tomorrow is the Halloween party at preschool. Ryan's teacher let me know that they are decorating cookies. Since Ryan can't eat them, we made brownies tonight.

Ryan wanted me to put a picture of his lip on the blog.

I keep wondering what Ryan is going to think when he finally eats a real brownie and real ice cream. I hope we haven't totally ruined his taste buds!

Trust me, it looks better than it tastes!

Here's Ryan's first masterpiece!

So Harvey asked me if I needed anything from Costco. Well, I got my laundry detergent and a bonus of 300 pieces of candy! Seeing as we had a grand total of 3 children ring our doorbell last year...If we continue with this low turnout, that is 100 pieces for each kid. So next year those same 3 kids will be forbidden at our house and every other kid in the neighborhood will be here! There aren't actually 300 pieces left. I have almost emptied the Snickers out of the first bag and I'm sure Harvey has outdone me in M&Ms.
Of Halloweens Past:

So cute!
(But it was clear rather quickly that he wasn't going for the bunting concept and back to the store it went).

So he was a chicken, which totally worked because Grandma's house has real chickens and a chicken coop!

And a duck...

that waddled down our street
(which I had forgotten how beautiful it was).

Then a frog!

And finally, a monkey!
(He looks scared because he was! Scary Spongebob was walking around). The funny thing is that a few weeks ago when I mentioned Halloween he asked if Spongebob was going to be there. What a memory. Oh, I just remembered Daddy's costume from last year. Oh, I will find it!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK - so, I was telling Gay that after looking at these photos...Ryan was a chicken at 1, a frog at 2, a monkey at 3....what could he be at 4???? And Gay's response.......................................................................................................a squirrel!!!!!!!!!! I laughed...... Tessie