Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It’s Been a Rockin’ Year and a Half!

 For over a year and a half this has been one of my most treasured spots:


Before Erik came Gramma asked if we had a rocker or glider.  I told her we had given our old one away when we moved because it just wasn’t worth moving.  She offered us hers but since Erik was already going to be close to one when he came home, I decided I didn’t need one.  It was mostly during the first year that I had used it with Ryan and I just didn’t think I would need it.  Now that I look back I’m not exactly sure what I was planning on using/doing.  Gramma brought it up again a short time later (since he was coming soon) so I decided to take her up on it and they brought it over.  The first night Erik was home he wanted nothing to do with the chair, me in the chair, him in the chair…I tried again over the next few nights and slowly, a little at a time, he grew to love it.  Day after day, night after night, I have rocked Erik before naps and bedtime.  Having missed the first year of his life, this has been such a huge part of growing close.  Even though the amount of time I would hold him decreased over time it has been our special time.  Some of my, maybe most, of my most special moments with Erik have been in this chair.  It’s where we have bonded, cuddled, laughed, giggled, talked and sung (he’s the only person in the entire world that begs me to sing!)  This has been my time to have his face right in mine.  To talk to him and to pray for him.  It’s been my time to thank the Lord for our precious boy.   When we decided to put his bed in Ryan’s room I decided to keep him in the crib for naps.  It’s the only room with a curtain, and let’s be honest, I could still have a few minutes in our chair each day.  The next day, after his first night in his new bed, we rocked in the chair and he slept in his crib.  I knew my days were numbered.  In fact, that was the last one.  The next day he said, “No crib, new bed Mommy.”   Our little guy is growing up!  Now the rocker will wait for another precious gift and more special memories.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Catching up on a few comments - so I was doing Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh in my heart the whole time I read this. Hugs - Tessie