Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesus!

I really wanted to make a birthday cake for Jesus this year with Ryan. He thought it was a great idea too! He loves to help in the kitchen. I hope he has Harvey's cooking abilities (and decorating, as you'll see).

See, I told you he was helpful!

I didn't even have to wash the bowl afterwards!

I never thought it was possible that I could make a cake that turned out uglier than Ryan's first birthday cake, and yet here it is! The cake was actually pretty good, you know, considering it has no egg or butter in it. Then came the frosting! I bought a can of allergy-free frosting. Seemed simple was so thick I couldn't get it to spread without tearing up the whole top and then the white frosting was filled with pieces of cake. I tried putting it on thick and spreading a thicker coat but it wasn't, as you say, spreadable. My next plan was to microwave it for a few seconds...and then a few more. Went on like butter on a hot summer's day...and then continued melting off the cake, down the pedestal, and onto the counter like butter during a heat wave. It ran until we got to my brother's, had dinner, sat around for several hours, and still had a few drips when I sat it down again on our counter. But we think Jesus loved it!

Ryan sure did!

Ryan's buddy Rich and his cousins spent a good part of two days building cars for Ryan and Erik. They even had windshield wipers! They were quite a hit.

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