Sunday, December 6, 2009

Light Hearted!

Um, "4"

The tree is finally up and "slowly, slowly," said the sloth, the boxes are being put away. I think it is the only thing Harvey has really every said no to, but he is way not interested in putting on the tree lights. When we first got married and were renting, I tried to get him to put lights up on the house, but he said I had to wait until we had our own house. Well you are darn right when you thought I must have headed right to Target for house lights our first Christmas here. Fortunately for us all, the house already had hooks. Even so, every year I check and see if he'll put the lights on the tree. It's not that he needs another job around here, it's just that he would do such a better job! A couple of nights ago Harv and the boys were in the bedroom playing so I just went ahead and got to it. I moved the tree enough so I could squeeze by each trip around the tree. First string done. Second string: a dud. As I moved on to the next string of lights I could hear the boys laughing, you know, that deep belly laugh when your daddy has you pinned and all attention is on you. I thought about last year and my hopes that our little boy would be home for Christmas. Joy and thankfulness filled my heart. And stringing Christmas lights
all of sudden became a pleasure.


Anonymous said...

And this brought great joy to my heart and smiles on my face! Love the photos of my nephews!!!!

Anonymous said...

Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!FGMA