Sunday, March 7, 2010


I finally ordered a new batch of eggs. I went into Ryan's room to get the container so I could wash it out and wouldn't you know it...there was a little monster swimming in there. It's been a few days now and he has grown so much already. I tried to take a picture but he doesn't show up very well so far. I may have to get another container or wait until he dies to try the new eggs. Since the fish store owner called them "aggressive carnivores" I don't want to have him eat up all of our baby monsters. We got real creative on the name: TAD. They are also called tadpole shrimp. Ryan is thrilled because he loves being a 'tadpole' at his church program.

We decided to sign Ryan up for t-ball. Good thing I finally got to it, he starts on Tuesday! Imagine the amount of pictures I'll be taking! Fine print says I have to work in the snack shack at least two games (or pay $100). My older brother played Little League and my dad was an umpire (didn't always work so well, my brother being a pitcher...) but I remember many a days waiting in line at the snack shack for my Fun Dip pack. Do you remember those bags of colored sugar you ate by dipping into it with a hard stick of sugar? Life was good! Can't imagine letting Ryan eat one of those! Don't tell him! : )

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