Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Poop Happens

The glorious two hour naps have been replaced with something far less glorious.  A nap didn’t happen today so I asked Harv if he could take a quick shower right after dinner with Erik and then I would put Erik down early tonight.  Since bedtime has had gone so smoothly it seemed like a great idea.  Just as Harv was getting Erik undressed I told him Erik would probably poop after he went to sleep since it was so early.  It seemed worth the risk…About two minutes into the shower…Yep, pooped in the shower.  So after an extremely lengthy shower I got Erik ready for bed.  It’s now almost 9 (two hours past my great plan) and he is still not asleep.  Harv took over.  I get the shower!  Poop happens!


2010-02-25_003 2010-02-25_002 Still super duper cute though!

2010-03-03_027  2010-03-03_033   2010-03-03_0122010-03-03_011 2010-03-03_017 Speaking of CUTE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.