Monday, April 13, 2009

Allergies, allergies!

I haven't had my "How to download pictures/upload pictures" lesson yet so this is another pictureless blog. It's so much better to have pictures! I'll try to learn soon (just adding that to Harvey's list!) : )

Ryan was a trooper at the allergist as usual. I planned better this time and had cars, books, and a game. I brought my camera but forgot to take a picture of his back. I was hoping to show you smooth, clear, baby soft skin but unfortunately he added two new allergies! He did pass shellfish. On the positive side it is progress, but that is such an easy one to avoid! I was really hoping for the egg, knowing dairy was unlikely. His little back was so red and swollen. We found out that he is also allergic to a group of trees, including oak (have you seen the size of our three oak trees?) and grasses (not lawn fortunately). We are, of course, always grateful that he has only had hives and dry skin as a result.

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