Sunday, April 25, 2010

Grass Stains

Today was picture day for Ryan’s baseball team.  I had to wash his pants twice to get them nice and white for the photo.  I was thrilled to pieces when I saw him crawling in the wet grass to collect leaves right before they called his team up.  So…grass stains it is!

Tonight Harv and I went to dinner…alone!!  Auntie Gay and Auntie Tessie came over to watch the boys so we could go out.  It was so great for everyone.  We walked around the hip and happening shopping area/restaurant row for a while, finally figured out that we aren’t hip or happening, and decided to hightail it out of there and went to an old favorite.  I think there were four other tables and no music.  Man are we getting old before our time.  It was so wonderful to just sit and talk in peace and then not have to clean up!  The boys had a great time.  Apparently Auntie Gay is the best pitcher!  (Sorry Daddy)After they left I asked Ryan if he had fun.  He said, “I hope they come every day.”  Yeah, I don’t have to cook or clean any more! : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a great time with our little nephews! And yes, Gay is a great pitcher and coach! Ryan did great and Erik chased all the balls! We will have to do it again soon! AND.....I passed diaper 202!!! Love you guys! Tessie