Saturday, April 3, 2010

Got Goldfish? Yes We Do!!

Have you ever looked over the cheeses at the market and wondered who actually buys cheese logs?  Well, it’s ME!  I buy them for me, myself, and I, and not just at Christmas.  In fact, I just finished a nice sharp cheddar cheese ball rolled in almonds.  Ate the whole ball by myself in a couple of days.  Why tell you this?  Because I live in an otherwise cheeseless family.  Harv isn’t a big fan, Ryan is allergic, and Erik is intolerant…Or so we thought!  At his 18mos. appointment I asked his doctor about it and she thought it unlikely and recommended we try regular milk.  Well, it's been over 3 weeks and no problems.  He isn’t the fan of cheese that I am, but I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to stroll through Target and grab a box of fishy crackers and let him eat it!  Wait!  Yes I can!  It was totally fabulous and he loves them.




2010-04-01_009 How do you like the new helmet?







 Still holding the fish!

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  Gramma found these cute little sheep for me and made a fun basket for them to graze in.  I love Spring!  


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 At this stage it became vividly clear to me why I never did paper mache with my second graders…




 Turned out cute though!




 One of these days I am going to listen to that little voice in my head!  I must have thought about taking Tad’s picture three times yesterday.  I have had really been enjoying watching him swim around and do his little stunts.  While watching the water begin to boil for the eggs, Ryan thought Tad might enjoy going in his castle.  Unfortunately, Tad had a fatal run in with the purple plastic place he called home.  We also have a new rule about ‘helping’ any future triops go into their castle!




Bye friend!


-Yes!  I have already washed the castle and tank and the eggs are ready to go in.  We will never forget our first sea monster though!

-Ryan played first base. 

-This wasn’t asked, but I can’t bear to stay silent…yes, I clean my toilet!  We have the hardest water ever and I can’t get it cleaner than that! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sweet little tad......a sad moment.....will you get another?
What position did Ryan play today?