Monday, April 30, 2012

A day at the park

 2012-04-29_001 Yesterday was Little League Day with the Giants.  Harvey and Ryan left at 8am for pregame fun.  They had to leave early because Harvey and I had a dinner to go to, but still got home at 5pm.  It was a long baseball day, but I’ve been told it was worth it.  Ryan had a stomach ache when he got home.  After he listed everything he ate and drank at the park I had a pretty good idea why.




2012-04-29_005  This time we were sent Stanley.  What better place for him to visit?


2012-04-29_054 Ryan Vogelsong and Kuip


2012-04-29_065 Can you believe it?


2012-04-29_074 He got another ball signed.  This time it was Javier Lopez, a lefty pitcher.


Can you see the new hole on the bottom row?