Monday, April 23, 2012


 2012-04-23_002Mommy, can you make me Superman with my blankie?”

I have always loved little boys ‘flying’ through the supermarket and Target in their fabulous capes.  Ryan was never a cape kind of guy.  When we were given a Superman costume a few years ago I made him put it on so I could at least have a picture.  Even though we have never had a book or movie with any superhero in our house, we have a little superhero these days.  I may get that Target photo after all.

2012-04-23_004  A few years ago Ryan was so crazy about his cousin’s carwash that I got him one for Christmas.  The belt broke a while ago and Erik could not have been sicker about it.  Well, our cousin is on the brink of junior highdom and we inherited his old one.  A little switcherooing and we are back in business.



From the other room I just heard: “Erik that is NOT a bat and that’s not a ball.  If I see that again…” missed the consequence.  Can’t wait to find out more!

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