Thursday, January 7, 2010


Gramma got us the best bubbles at Gymboree and I had them hiding in the closet. We got them out today and had lots of fun blowing and popping.2010-01-07_010


The room was dark and Erik was finally nestled in his blanket against my chest. It’s one of my favorite times of day (or night if you will). Then I heard the car door slam shut, followed by the opening and slamming shut of the back door. The sound of a herd of one 40 pound elephant raced through the living room. Ryan’s home! It was Boy’s Brigade night. He talked about it all day and spent two hours prior asking in about 10 minute intervals when they were leaving. He burst open Erik’s door, whipped on the light, and with uncontrollable joy and pride he took off his jacket and showed me (and of course Erik) his new ‘Tadpoles’ bright yellow shirt. “Wow,” I said. "That’s pretty cool, and kinda big!” “That’s okay,” he said. “I can just tuck it in!”




And sure enough!

(Boy's Brigade is similar to the Boy Scouts, but it is through our church. Instead of a cubbie, he's a tadpole!).


Anonymous said...

Hahaha! So funny! What is the boy's brigade? Who are the tadpoles?

In Him, Jamie

Anonymous said...

And a bright yellow, bubble blowing tadpole!
Love the half tucked in shirt!