Friday, February 14, 2014

Love is in the air

Ryan has become my holiday helper.  After the little ones went to bed, he stayed up to help me set the Valentine’s Day table.  At about 8:30 he thought a scavenger hunt would be fun for them.  Ummm, Mommy was way to tired to even think about that, so Ryan made a short one himself.  He had them in the fridge and in their rooms.  They ended up back at the table where he had hidden something under their plates.  They loved it.  We decided we would do it again next year, but start planning way earlier than 8:30.  Image00001 Sharpies are WAY popular around here.


Image00009 Bacon is our family’s love language.


Image00017 Shockingly, all three had their light sabers taken away today…and yet we keep buying this stuff.


Image00021 So I decided to do a space unit with Erik in November.  We sort of finished in January.  I took it down today.  That is how things are swinging around here.  Someone, about as tall as the bottom black constellation, ate the corner of it…glue and all.  “Someone” says the toothpick in her crib was planted.

Image00022 Erik decided this one was quite despicable!

Most recent art:






Image00030And that’s all I’ve got!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW - Erik's art is awesome. Is my kitty ready for pickup? Tessie