Sunday, February 23, 2014

Big Girl Bed

While the kids were at Gramma’s I decided it was time to move our furniture and all of the boxes for the bathroom out of Megan’s room.  Reality is that it is going to be a while before Harvey gets all of the fixtures into the bathroom and the chaos that her room had become was driving me crazy.  It was impossible for her to play in there and hard to get to my underwear.  That meant I could also finally get the toddler bed out of my room.  We moved it in for Erik while Harvey’s mom was here…in June.  That’s how we work around here!  I took the kid-free opportunity to go through her closet and organize everything.  It looks great now and she is so thrilled to have her big girl bed and her room back.  She slept there last night and did great.  I was worried about her getting in and out of it, but she really wants to sleep in it so she stayed in.  



Image00003We’re still without heat.  Ryan is loving his new fire building job.  The heater should be fixed by spring…

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