Sunday, November 27, 2011

We’re Back

Well, we didn’t go anywhere, other than Target but I took a little break from the camera and the blog. That means I have no Thanksgiving pictures. How can it be?

2011-11-23_003We made these cool leaves last week. It’s been hard to fit in fun arts/crafts things with Ryan gone all day T/Th. We have a lot of reading and such to get done on the other days. I found a great blog with really fun art activities and this was one of them. Her leaves are fantastic. This was a good first shot. We colored Elmer’s glue for the border and used water colors for the rest. Erik’s is on top. He loves art as much as Ryan does.


Here's the link:

2011-11-23_012Erik, look tough!”



Ryan asked me to take a photo of his skid mark. Nice pants!

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