Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In His Element

 Tonight we took over some of the shoeboxes from church to another church where they were counted and boxed.  Ryan could not have loved it all any more.




















Obviously I was exhausted because no right thinking person would have brought a three year old just before dinner and after the day of errands that we had:

Yes, I’m going to share because it was ridiculous and no right thinking person would make a three year old do it.

After school we went to Erik’s art class for an hour, then to the library, then to Costco, then to Safeway, then home to drop things off and eat lunch.  Then to the post office, JCP’s to pick up photos, and Whole Foods.  We came home and picked up the cupcakes and cake and took it to Ryan’s school for the teacher’s birthday.  We drove home and had a snack and then I took Ryan to his hour long art class.  After we got home, we loaded the car with 102 shoeboxes and then worked for an hour packing the larger boxes.  And that is why I couldn’t think clearly and let Erik come with us.  Lesson learned.

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