Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Play’s At First!

 Ryan got his first chance to play in the infield.  He played first.  Turns out it’s a pretty tough position.  He loved it nonetheless of course.










2011-10-30_006 WHOOPS




2011-10-30_0092011-10-30_012 2011-10-30_014  Today was the last day of fall ball.  It was a great experience and helped us decide about where to put him next year.  We got another wonderful coach this season.  In fact, there were six dads coaching each week.  We are hoping that most of these players will stay together in the spring.  We would love to have this coach again.

1 comment:

mare said...

i can't believe the season is over! we didn't even get to visit one game! :( tell ryan i played back catcher for a whole year, and then move don to play first. i remained at first for many years, though i enjoyed 2nd & short. go ryan!