Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Candy House, Candy House!!

We’re still learning about liquids, gases, and solids in science.  Today we learned a new way we can get liquids to go up: 






We are learning about shapes in math.  I found a great book called Kindergarten Math Excursions and it has some fun activities in it.  It seems that our local schools aren’t doing themes or ‘excursions’ much anymore.  We like them here so, good for us!


 Ryan got a cup of coins to do some shopping for his hedgehog’s house.  (That’s him in the blue rectangle house.  Don’t worry, it’s temporary.)  We learned how squares can make a cube and made a candy house for Hedgie. 

Note: Graham crackers from the health food store do not break in equal squares, they just cost more and make making a cube a lot more difficult.










2011-01-12_016 Erik decorated his after his nap.  He spent the rest of the night running around the house yelling, “candy house, candy house!”



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RATS - we missed all the fun - AGAIN!!!! Tessie and GG