Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

 Okay, not Antarctica cold, but cold for our blood!  I’d show you the new (it changes daily) slot-car track set-up with it’s new second tier, but it’s like 40 degrees in the garage and it’s 78 in here.  The boys are bonding or something so I get a little quiet time indoors.



2011-01-05_004 Today we learned that the Fairy Penguin is the smallest type of penguin at 16 inches.  We’re full of fascinating trivia over here.




2011-01-05_007Erik is a scarf guy! 

Sometimes you have those days when you see so much of yourself in your children.  Like when they wear a scarf whenever it goes below 60 degrees or stop playing to pick weeds.  And then they do something so out of your world you wonder where they came from…like Ryan asking to go outside at 8am in the morning to exercise.  Where on earth would he come up with that idea?  After about 3 minutes he came back in for a coat, gloves, and a hat.  It was freezing outside for heaven’s sake!  After his jumping jacks and run around the backyard (I watched from inside.  Remember, it’s 78 in here!)  he came in and told me he had an ‘ice neck.’  An ‘ice neck?’ I asked.  “It’s an expression for when you’re really cold,” he explained.  See, if I exercised in the cold morning air I would have known that!

Correction: Okay, I just reread this.  It’s not 78 in here, it’s only 68.  Must have been a ‘slip’ seeing as I would prefer it to be 78! : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

8am - he's starting to be influenced by his Auntie Tess!!! :)
Cute scarf pic of Eric!