Monday, January 10, 2011

Big and Small


 2011-01-07_004 Ryan has always, as in since he was two, been into puzzles.  I think they are great for kids.  He lucked out because his aunties are big puzzlers and they got him this one for Christmas. 



  A friend returned this costume and it immediately got put on first by Erik and then by Ryan (it’s a size 3.)






How about those penguins:

So what could be more fun to a five year old boy than penguins?  Um…leopard seals!  You know, the vicious predators of those cute little birds.   A couple of nights ago I put on a global warming propaganda film about penguins and it had one of those lovely real life nature scenes where the seals go after and kill the cute little penguins.  I started fast-forwarding when it got bloody for myself Ryan and guess who was not happy?!  Well, I wasn’t happy that I wasn’t faster with the remote, but it seems that Ryan is perfectly okay with the whole food chain process.  So today Ryan told me he thought he would be a penguin for Halloween.  He quickly changed his mind and decided Erik could be a baby penguin and he would be a leopard seal.  Charming!







And here you have it, the smallest and the largest of the penguins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Catching up - how long did it take him to do the puzzle? Food chain story was funny - we both laughed. Tessie and GG