Monday, May 18, 2009

Hanna and the Shed

The first wall is up!

Two walls with siding up, one side framed.

Harvey didn't like the doors that came with the kit and wanted the door in the front so it's easier to get the lawn mower in and out. That means he had to move both windows to the side and has to make his own door. He just isn't a kit man. He just needs to design and build things himself.

Our favorite Hanna needed some cleaning. She has a water belly and I don't want to put her in the machine so we gave her a bath. She seemed to like it!


As clean as it gets!
We went to the post office today and got Ryan his passport. We are still planning on having an escort bring our baby here, but the agency wants us to be ready to travel because they have been having a harder time getting escorts. They said we should have it in 1-3 weeks. Most likely in a week. Isn't it amazing how efficiently our government can work when you pay a fortune to them!

1 comment:

Michael Takahara said...

Looks like all those years in construction paid off. :)

Thanks for doing this blog, Jane. It's great to "discover" your family (Ryan cleaning Hanna is very cute) and share your hope as adoption draws nearer. We are praying for your family. Peace, maka