Thursday, May 28, 2009


This is me by the pool when it's 65 degrees out. (Amazingly, I did go in the pool for about a half hour. I had the whole large pool to myself). I don't usually go for communal hot tubs, but after a cool swim, even a 60 Minutes series on hot tubs couldn't keep me away. I was so bummed to have it be so cold. It's amazing how children remind us of what is important and how they tend to be so positive. As soon as we got to our room, Ryan begged to go swimming. He was beaming as he ran to the pool. He never noticed the clouds. He is only grumpy looking in the picture because I made him take a picture before he got in.

New goggles

This is why we came back here!

For some reason all I can focus on are Harvey's socks?!

It must be his Italian blood...he's a good driver! He avoided two stuck drivers and passed a few too. He's got twelve years to get this down.

This was Ryan's favorite ride. Since it was so cold it wasn't very busy. We got off and just got right on again. Yep, he's headed right for the wall. He seems safer on the road. (Our family isn't from Venice).

Isn't this the best?! I thought this was such a great ride. Ryan loved it too. It weaves through a little forest area.

This picture might just save us a trip to D.C.!

Wrong photo but impressive nonetheless.

Ryan and an old friend!

We are heading back to Legoland tomorrow. We had planned to spend most of the time at the pool and beach but it's too cold for that so we'll hit the parks.

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