Friday, August 3, 2012

Be Warned

The post where I talk about poop and pee.  Consider this your warning!

So one of the tests we needed for our adoption paperwork was a urine test.  No sweat for Erik, just needed a bag and some tape.  No one, including the lab people, could give me any help on how to get a urine sample from a 21 month old girl who doesn’t speak English.  So on Tues. night I just sat Megan on the potty to see what she thought about that.  Well, she thought it would tickle Mommy to no end to just go ahead and pee.  I couldn’t believe it.  We high-fived, I did some sort of weird dance, and then I got some toilet paper, wiped her and threw it (the highly absorbent PAPER) in her potty.  I looked in the potty and sure enough it was all soaked up.  Seriously, I was sick about it.  On Wednesday I decided to give it another go.  The girl is an eating machine, but man it’s been tough to get her to drink.  I discovered that any cup that can cause a significant amount of flooding is acceptable so I started giving her a variety of such choices.  She ended up going on the potty 8-9 times during the day and I got the sample.  That night after she went pee I got her up and she sort of pushed my arm back, sat down, and then pooped on the potty.  I think she’s onto something.  I’m not going to push anything right now, I just wanted my sample, but she went again tonight.  Hopefully, this will continue to be easy when the time comes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read this too Gay and we were so glad all went well! Love the high five and we need to get a video of your dance.
We love you and keep praying.