Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hard at Work

 It was a very long work day.  Harv got the four holes dug and the structure in now cemented in place.   Since our dirt area is SO HARD we decided we better dig a large area around the playset and fill it in with sand rather than keep running to the doctor’s to check for fractures.  It’s going to be a whole lot of dirt…need dirt?



2010-06-26_002 I told you we had hard dirt!




Harv wanted me to carry this thing from the patio, across the lawn, and onto the dirt…?!  I came up with the ingenious idea and saved my back.  It worked perfectly.
















2010-06-26_041 Disclaimer:  I can’t bear it any longer!  I did not cut Erik’s hair.  I just have to say that because all evidence is to the contrary.  I’ll just fess up and say that when we went to the $8 hair place Harv went first, so when it was time for Erik, instead of sitting him on my lap I just sat him on Harvey’s.  It was a gal we hadn’t had before so I watched her start with the back and I was so happy someone finally used the clippers back there that I decided to go read a couple trashy tabloids instead of manning the lookout.  When I went back I realized she just spun him around and clipped straight across his front.  Lesson learned!  Good thing he is so darn cute!  So now he eye is healing but I have to wait for his hair to grow out to get their pictures taken…I hate to even think of what could happen by then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Busy day on your and with us too.....we were thinking of driving over to see how things were going - but after 164 jars of ram - we were pretty wiped!!! Tessie