Friday, January 23, 2009

It's time to get started!

For a person who can barely use a cell phone, I'm pretty impressed with myself for setting up my own blog page! (Okay, Harvey helped, but only a little). We're excited to be started on this journey to Korea for our second child. After looking into China and Taiwan and hitting roadblocks, Korea was presented to us. Taiwan made so much sense...but with that option closed for now, Korea began to excite us. Now we are hooked! Today we received a call from our agency that Korea has approved our pre-application. It finally feels like we are on our way with the adoption. Now we are on to a new pile of papers for the actual application. Since we have already completed our homestudy, many of the new forms are repeats. So it's back to the doctors...

This is going to be a long journey, but lots will be going on in the meantime. Hope you'll check in to see any adoption news, what our Ryan is up to, how the new bathroom is progressing (may take longer than the adoption), and any other fun things I think of to share!


Jane said...
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Jane said...
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Anonymous said...

Jan 27th at 7:11pm - thanks for the LOVELY visit - I've missed you guys! Tessie