Saturday, March 20, 2010


Opening Day!

What a day!  Harvey took Ryan to the field at 9:15 for the opening day ceremonies.  Erik and I went a little later.  It was fun to see all of the kids lined up in their teams with their crisp white pants.  Fortunately, Ryan’s team had the first game and Ryan was the first hitter of the day so we didn’t have to come back.  They couldn’t have been any cuter.  Ryan did great and really enjoyed it.  The other team was coached by a friend of ours and had several players that we know.  After Ryan hit the ball, eight of the nine players on the other team ran for the ball (yeah, all the way from right field!).   There were a few cartwheels and a number of daydreams…just fabulous!  We took 367 pictures so I’ll have to look through them again tomorrow!  After the game Erik and I headed to a welcome home party for a Korea buddy and Harvey and Ryan went to race their wooden cars with the Tadpoles.  We then went to our home fellowship…we’re pooped! 







1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a great time too! He did great and I have photos to add to game #1. Unfortunately - none of my flash drives are large enough to hold you'll need to bring one to offload them! Got a few of him watching the older kids play that are sweet and at the snack shack. He has GREAT coaches and I told them so! tessie