Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just a Pop of Color

It’s been cold, grey, and rainy for days and days now.  I am a sun kind of person.   As I was sitting on the couch my eye caught a glimpse of pink just outside the window.  It was enough to get me off the couch and to grab my camera.  The gloomy background only enhanced the beauty of these flowers. Sometimes we miss these small treasures when the sun is out and there are colors everywhere.  It’s often when the backdrop fades that we can best appreciate ‘pops of color’. 2010-01-21_0112010-01-21_017   2010-01-21_018 2010-01-21_0192010-01-21_008


We’re kinda into snowmen right now!






1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a dusting of snow this morning! So beautiful. Not enough for a snowman, just enough to cover the mud from the previous rainy days. FGMA